2014 Goals


1. TO FINISH MY DEGREE – it’s about time. It’s what’s right. You’ll appreciate it so much 10 years from now. It will open up doors, and one day you’ll be glad you finished it.

2. To write more – to journal; to blog; to write about the moments that take my breathe away and the moments that challenge me to the point where I think the task is impossible, until I finally complete it.

3. To be more creative – I think I’ve alway been creative. I like pretty things. I like colour. Buy cute stationary from those Asian places like Morning Glory, go to Kikki.K. Keep movie tickets (even parking tickets), train tickets, receipts. Just small things that remind you how great life really is.

4. To take more photographs – you don’t always have to carry around your SLR to take good photos. If you see something that makes you smile, that inspires you – take a photo (a digital memory as I like to call it).

5. Enjoy being single – being single is a gift. It’s incredibly freeing and almost always not forever. Use the time to get really, really happy with yourself, Don’t use it to run around chasing love. You will only meet someone truly great when they find you at your best. Being saved will never work.

6. Have more ‘Me Time’ – go to cafes, parks and the gym more often. Read books in peace. Find solace in your own space. Do it all alone.

7. Make time for people that really matter – these are the ones you party hard with, the ones you have deep and meaningful conversations with, the misfits, the outcasts, but most importantly, they are the ones who respect you, the ones who want you to go far, who truly believe in you, the ones that bring out the best in you.

8. Sleep earlier – energy conservation is important, so that you can always perform to your best with a clear mind, good attitude and willingness to learn.

9. To just be myself – not everyone is going to like you, but who cares. Those people aren’t worth your time anyway. Be crazy. Be happy. Be excited about life.

10. Take more risks – be a highly intelligent risk taker. You never really know yourself, until you come out of your shell and out of your comfort zone. Baby steps though. Think about the ‘leaps’ a lot, but do them, and if you fall, just think about what that life lesson has taught you.

11. Stop over-analysing – Meditate. Read self-improvement books, biographies and memoirs. Learn how to quieten the mind. Over-thinking can be harmful, and some things are just not meant to be. Your belief system will become your truth. Accept things for what they are and learn to let go more easily. Let it pass, for time will make you realise why it happened in the first place.


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